Every day, I give you my absolute best and am proud to report that your support of me, my team, our city, and each other has produced incredible results! Scroll down to learn more about how we have improved Danville together.
You, as hard-working citizens, know that strong financial stewardship and prudent decision-making fuel strategic investment throughout our city, making the 4 additional pillars possible.
Click on the icons or continue scrolling to learn more.
You, as hard-working citizens, know that strong financial stewardship and prudent decision-making fuel strategic investment throughout our city.
Did you know that during his first term, the Williams Administration is on track to reinvest over $18 million of general reserves into projects that matter most to you?
Here is a short list of Proven Progress in Strong Stewardship:
11/6/2018, we started w/only $300,000 in General Reserves (GR); ordinance says we should maintain a $1.2 Million minimum. Implemented non-emergent spending freeze, ending the year (4/30/19) w/$4.8 Million in GR. Ended FY20 (4/30/20) w/$6.3 Million in GR. Ended FY21 (4/30/21) w/$11.2 Million in GR. We kept $1.2 Million in GR, paid an additional $2.3 Million toward our unfunded Fire & Police Pension liabilities, set aside $4 Million for the demolition of Bresee and other Downtown buildings, and put $3.7 Million aside for additional roadwork and economic development in 2022. We ended FY 22 (4/30/22) w/~$9.3 Million in GR.
Funding Police & Fire Pension Funds at 100% versus 90% required by state law and using all Cannabis funding to make additional payments has resulted in them being better funded by 4.4% & 7.4% respectively from 2018-2022.
Refunded outstanding city bonds in 2019 due to improved bond rating from Baa3 to BBB, resulting in savings of $190,840.53 (5.34%).
Transitioned accounts payable from a centralized paper-based processed to a decentralized paperless process utilizing the existing accounting system (cost $0).
Collected over $100,000 in previously owed but unpaid Hotel/Motel tax & Sales tax revenues through an agreement w/Azavar Government Solutions. On track to collect an additional $100,000/year moving forward.
Paid off the city’s outstanding ERI (early retirement incentive) & four banknotes early resulting in savings of ~$80,000.
Received over $15 Million in new grants (excluding ARPA), including a $3 Million Rebuild Downtowns & Main Streets Grant.
Received nearly $6 Million in additional grant funding for Danville Mass Transit to complete tasks like remove leaky underground fuel tanks, replace buses, and make other capital improvements.
Transitioned Billing & Collections from Danville Sanitary District to the city.
Spent a combined 500+ hours to complete the first Capital Improvement Plan in decades covering FY2023-2024 through FY2025-2026 to improve future planning and budgeting.
Concurrently rolled out a multi-year budget to accompany the Capital Improvement Plan, allowing for strategic budgetary planning into the future instead of evaluating only one year at a time.
Developed ARPA spending plan & began implementation.
Paid off the city’s portion of the Public Building Commission bond early by fronting $1,256,948.85. This saved the taxpayers $413,783.67 (32.97% savings on refunded bonds).
Renewed our municipal electric service agreement, resulting in savings of ~$100,000/year to taxpayers.
Gained greater collection outcomes in small claims court by taking a more aggressive approach.
Purchased computer equipment for Aldermen, leading to paperless agendas, etc.
Improved records management (including a huge update & purge process) & began the process of digitizing all records such as real estate transactions, bids, FOIA’s, agreements & contracts.
Implemented Laserfiche software which allows citizens and businesses to submit license & permit applications electronically.
Implemented Intradyn Software to improve response to FOIA Requests.
Trained new Deputy City Clerk & assisted with transition in City Treasurer’s office.
Placed all ordinances & resolutions on the city website for public access.
Economic growth and sustainability is a key driver for the overall well-being of our community. It sustains good employment opportunities for our people and bolsters our property values.
Did you know the Williams Administration has attracted over $250,000,000 in business expansions and new developments resulting in approximately 600 new jobs?
Here is a short list of Proven Progress in Economic Expansion:
Over $250,000,000 in expansions and new developments and approximately 600 new jobs, including but not limited to:
Carle & Christie at the Riverfront - $85 Million medical facility, 25 new jobs.
The Golden Nugget Danville - $110 Million casino, sports-betting, and restaurant facility, 300 new jobs
Sunnyside & Seven Point - ~$2 million dispensary developments; 40 new jobs
FedEx - 150 new jobs
Viscofan Expansion - $25 million, 30 new jobs
AutoZone Expansion
Bunge Expansion
Flex-n-Gate Expansion
WorkSource Expansion
Other Developments, including but not limited to: Dollar General on Bowman, Dollar Tree on Fairchild, Harbor Freight, Head Start, 2 OSF On-Call’s, Quickwash South, Smitty's Car Wash, Starbucks, Take 5/7 Brew.
The lowest unemployment in over 30 years pre-pandemic (4.9%). 5.3% as of December 2022. 5% is considered full employment.
Invested ~$2.5 Million in TIF projects supporting 28 local businesses, including several new & existing businesses in the Downtown Area.
On track to grant ~$500,000 to Small Business to help with operating expenses in response to COVID-19
Supported local businesses and their employees by encouraging them to stay open during unlawful prolonged shutdown “orders”. Required businesses that remained open to follow all other safety protocols to keep people as safe as possible (servers masked, dividers between booths, 6 feet between tables, etc.)
Drafted redevelopment agreements that are bringing millions of dollars of investment into our community.
Quality and well-maintained infrastructure is essential for our every day lives and the operation of our businesses.
Did you know know that in the past 4 years, the Williams administration assessed the city’s entire roadway network, 20% of its sidewalk network, completed maintenance on approximately 40% of city streets, mapped 100% of the storm sewer system, cleaned/inspected/assessed 32 miles of sanitary sewer, and developed a multi-year Capital Improvement Plan?
Here is a short list of Proven Progress in Improved Infrastructure:
Road & Sidewalk improvements
Inventoried & assessed the city’s entire roadway network & assessed 20% of sidewalk network to prepare Capital Improvement Plan.
Completed some level of maintenance (crack seal, sealcoat, concrete patching, mill & overlay, or reconstruction) on ~40% of City streets in the last 4 years, touching 23% in 2022 alone.
Road reconstruction projects included: Denmark & Old Ottawa, Jackson/Voorhees Intersection (grant funded), Madison, Columbia, S. Beard (grant funded), Edwards (grant funded), Unit Blocks of W Harrison, & Lafayette/Robinson/North (80% complete).
Reworked Denmark Road Causeway, adding pedestrian bridge & sidewalk from Old Ottawa to Gilbert. This provides better connectivity throughout our community and better access to one our greatest assets, Lake Vermilion.
1100 block Jackson St. shared use path/road construction, Midtown TIF & Major Downtown sidewalk repairs/replacements, Griffin/CSX RR crossing safety improvements.
Maintained open roads & safe driving conditions in the Major February 2022 winter storm that saw 15 inches of snowfall in 24 hours.
Drainage Projects
Mapped 100% of the city’s storm sewer system in Geographical Information Systems in preparation for the Capital Improvement Plan.
Repaired, cleaned up, &/or reconfigured ponds/ditches around Lynch Rd.
Completed major drainage improvements on Countryway, Dearborn, Hinkley, & Highland.
Sewer Projects:
Televised/cleaned/inspected/assessed 32 miles of sanitary sewers & 850 manholes & began process of correcting & modernizing city wide sanitary sewer maps in preparation for Capital Improvement Plan.
Greatly improved sewer asset maintenance & replacement cycle.
Replaced/upgraded 7 sanitary sewer pump stations.
Lined miles of sanitary sewer.
Completed NW sanitary reconstruction ($7 million w/$2.1 million forgiven).
IT Projects:
Significantly improved our Cybersecurity Posture to better protect our Information Systems, allowing us to provide timely services to our citizens.
Created a host of applications that enable the city to serve the public more efficiently and effectively.
Safety and security is essential for the well-being of our citizens and the success of our businesses.
Did you know that Danville’s crime rate decreased from 2018-2022, including reductions in aggravated batteries with weapons or injuries by 39.8%, burglaries by 69.4%, robberies by 31.6%, & murders by 38.5%?
Here is a short list of Proven Progress toward Safer Streets:
Police/Public Safety
Eliminated Director of Public Safety position and reinstated Police & Fire Chiefs.
Hired 13 additional officers, moving the force from 54 officers to 67.
Implemented the National Testing Network (NTN), which eliminates the need for costly testing & provides for a much more efficient & effective hiring process.
Added 4 full time Civilian positions to better support the police department's efforts.
Seized over 500 illegal guns off the streets (nearly 50% more than previous years) and destroyed most of them (some kept for evidentiary purposes).
Reduced Crime from 2018-2022, including: aggravated batteries with weapons or injuries by 39.8%, Burglaries by 69.4%, Robberies by 31.6%, & murders by 38.5%.
Replaced 26 of 33 police vehicles & added 6 more.
Started domestic violence initiative with patrol & created a domestic violence detective position to better assist victims and better support prosecution of perpetrators.
In 2020, purchased body and new car cameras for police to ensure the protection of both our citizens and our officers.
In 2021, purchased an incinerator, which allows for the quick & safe on-site destruction of narcotics.
In 2022, installed FLOCK camera system (license plate readers) which were critical in several investigations ranging from simple traffic accidents to homicides.
Created the Security Camera Registration app, which allows citizens to voluntarily register the security cameras at their homes/businesses. The Police investigators can then contact the camera owners if any incidents occur in the area.
Replaced all 50 of our self-contained breathing apparatus & portable radio systems through Grant Funding.
Increased fire prevention education from only serving kindergartens to include all student through middle school.
Implemented new training program for all ranks of the Department.
A strong sense of pride, culture, and connection helps folks flourish and our community thrive!
Did you know the Williams administration has invested energy and money to reduce blight, improve our shared recreational spaces, and transform the way people feel and talk about Danville?
Here is a short list of Proven Progress in Community Care:
Blight Elimination & Neighborhood Revitalization
Demolished ~300 dilapidated structures in neighborhoods & on main thoroughfares from 2019-Present versus an average of 20-30/year in the past. Higher profile demolitions include: Danville Township Building, Jiffy Lube, Paxton Warehouse, Bullock Garages, Kids Closet, & 6 units in Fair Oaks. Acquired Bresee Tower for future demolition & development.
Distributed more than $6 Million in Community Development Block Grant funds to low income households/areas to support home renovations & infrastructure improvements. Invested ~$1.4 Million in 68 households to help rehabilitate their homes.
Granted ~$500,000 for rent/mortgage assistance during COVID-19.
More aggressively enforced the city’s property maintenance ordinance/code & developed monthly and annual reports showing the status of code violation enforcement.
Instituted additions to city court orders whereby the city obtains authority to abate property violations if the owner does not do so.
Ended prosecution of ordinance violations for other municipalities, allowing us to prosecute roughly 20% more of the code violations in Danville.
Obtained agreement with the Vermilion County Trustee that has provided better enforcement of the vacant buildings ordinance.
Negotiated the acquisition of problem properties for demolition.
Instituted a Problem Properties Committee to stay on top of the more egregious property issues.
Restructured the side lot sale program, moving from less than 5 lots sold to getting more than 100 back on the tax rolls.
Community Relations
Created and hired a Community Relations Administrator whose efforts have transformed how people talk and feel about Danville!
Improved communication with our citizens and raised their awareness through direct texting service, educational and community-focused videos, increased social media presence (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc.), and I Am, You Are, We Are, which showcases Danville and Vermilion County citizens each week to help people know their neighbors.
Neighborhood Associations have increased by 40% and folks are working together like they haven’t in decades.
First Friday Events - generated $80,000+/year in revenue to fund free or low-cost events that bring thousands of people together Downtown each month, supporting local businesses, creating positive experiences, and enhancing the culture of our city.
Fall Festival/Holiday Events are so successful that vendors often run out of products.
Greatly improved the city’s outdoor holiday & seasonal décor.
Brought together hundreds of volunteers who dedicated thousands of hours doing clean-ups and serving at various events.
Danville Mass Transit
Operating at 100% service levels with a full staff of bus operators for the first time in years.
Entered into an agreement with Greyhound to use our Transfer Zone as a hub to connect people to their national bus lines.
Purchased 4 new 35’ GILLIG buses & applied for 4 more super-medium duty buses to continue providing service between Danville & Champaign.
Human Relations
Served as part of the United Way Committee to help laid-off workers with housing and other assistance during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Organized 7 Plaintiffs Day (September 2021).
Assisted hundreds of individuals with various needs.
Improved Virtual Public Engagement
Built a new more user-friendly website so residents can find information more rapidly and efficiently.
Created the Report It app, which replaced a third party application & saved the city $10,000+ per year. It allows the public to submit problems online and city staff to better track service status.
Implemented TextMyGov to provide important information to residents instantly via text message.
Parks, Public Property, & Operations
Upgrades to Ellsworth Park, including new equipment, walkways, sports field, basketball courts, disc golf, & concessions/restrooms (grant funded).
Partnered w/AMBUCS to refresh & upgrade Playground for Everyone at Winter Park.
Upgraded entire exterior of Danville Stadium & currently replacing lighting system. New sign in partnership with Hegeler Foundation.
Major renovations to Harrison Park Golf Course Pro Shop, building, & grounds.
Commissioned design work for Riverfront & Westside Trails Development, including connection to Kickapoo Rail Trail.
Partnered with Vermilion County Trail Alliance to allow public multimodal trail development in West Harrison Park.
Oversaw EPA approval of H&L Landfill closure.
Office & Training Manager developed multiple Training Programs to help us more effectively serve citizens.