What Council Members Are Saying

"We, the undersigned Aldermen for the City of Danville, believe that Rickey Williams should be re-elected as Mayor of Danville for many reasons. We Aldermen would like to see Danville continue to grow and prosper. Please join us in voting for Mayor Rickey Williams this April 4th."
What Citizens Are Saying
Aldermen Letter to the Citizens of the City of Danville in Support of Mayor Rickey Williams
Dear Citizens,
We, the undersigned Aldermen for the City of Danville, believe that Rickey Williams should be re-elected as Mayor of Danville for many reasons. As our mayor for the past 4.5 years, Rickey Williams has given his undivided attention through prayerful discernment to the needs of this City with the City’s best interests at heart and mind. His strong faith in God guides his life. Mayor Williams is deeply familiar with the demands of mayoral work: his qualifications include but are not limited to his degrees in political science and experiences as a Danville Alderman.
In his thorough understanding of the political interworking of the City of Danville, he developed a Vision for Danville’s future. Mayor Williams has set the Vision in motion for progress and prosperity for Danville over the past 4.5 years. As mayor, Rickey Williams has assembled a group of the best qualified leaders to head up the City government team who are extremely skilled, effective, and dedicated to their work for Danville. Mayor Williams and his team’s accomplishments include economic expansion for Danville where his leadership has attracted over $250 million in business expansion and new development in Danville which has and will continue to bring in new jobs and strengthen Danville’s revenue stream, setting Danville up for a prosperous future. Additionally, Danville’s tourism will continue to grow through the Riverfront Improvement Project initiative, Downtown Danville development, and the Kickapoo Rail Trail project.
Mayor Williams has proven success in fiscal responsibility by addressing the critical Police and Fire pension issues that had been underfunded under the previous administration for which he has put in place a mechanism to achieve 100% funding. Safety throughout our City has improved under Mayor Williams: 1) the Williams team has demolished 300 blighted Danville structures since 2019 and continues to aggressively pursue the demolition of many more as the law permits; 2) 13 new police officers have been hired, 500 illegal guns have been seized from our streets, and grant funded Vice and Pop units are present in Danville; and 3) grant money provided our Fire Department with new equipment, including a ladder truck, and additional Firefighters in Danville. Under Mayor Rickey Williams leadership and vision, he and his team have worked astutely to address critical infrastructure throughout Danville where over 40% of Danville streets have been addressed in the last 4 years, and preemptive maintenance of our sewer system continues to be accomplished.
Mayor Williams puts the needs and interests of the City of Danville first and he does not participate in political favors or cronyism. He is transparent and will say “no” when a proposal is not in the best interest of Danville. Mayor Williams gives us, the Aldermen who represent the citizens of Danville, a voice. He keeps us informed and involved in the current needs of the City. When Rickey Williams took office as Mayor, the City had only $300,000 in reserves. Today, through his excellent stewardship, the City now has $9.3 million in reserves. Rickey Williams has proven effective governance. We Aldermen would like to see Danville continue to grow and prosper. Please join us in voting for Mayor Rickey Williams this April 4th.
Ward 1: Robert Williams (2019); Alesia “Lisa” Ford (2022)
Ward 2: Rick Strebing (2003); Carolyn Wands (2021)
Ward 3: Sharon “Sherry” Pickering (2015); Heidi Wilson (2021)
Ward 5: Michael “Mike” Puhr (2001); Eve Ludwig (2021)
Ward 6: James “Jim” Poshard (2019); Ethan Burt (2022)
Ward 7: Robert “Bob” Iverson (2019); Darren York (2021)